Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First day of school!!

Well well, it's the first day of school! Probably a huge thing for Standard 1 and form 1 students, but it's not a huge thing to us right? First day of school, didn't turned out as expected. I expected it to be more... FUN?! It was supaaaa boringggg! Goshh. Why all of the teachers talk so softly?! I could barely even hear them! Well, even if I could, they were too boring for me to even pay attention any ways. heh. Hopefully the teachers won't talk as soft as today throughout the whole year. I will die of boredom and awful grades for sureee...

And guess what?! gosh. I hate this news. This is BAD NEWS PEOPLE. I am a assistant monitor in my class! Gahhhhhhhh! I hate this kinda things. Like. I need to be responsible, be a good girl, and walk around to get things. Well, or maybe not lah. Cause I'm just an assistant monitor and my monitor is awesome. He does everything! :'D Woopieeeeeee! As if the weather isn't HOT enough? i need to wear a freaking tie. I am not gonna love it. seriously.

Class Teacher
My class teacher is kinda nice lahh... She will be teaching me Chinese. Imma sooo disappoint her. seriously. I'll make her crryyy. ._______. And to be honest, I am so not trying to be mean teacher, I love you. She kinda looks like Jill from Jack and Jill?? So, I tend to laugh when I look at her. Gosh. I feel soooo Bad. :( sorry teach.

The reason for a no vlog is because the camera hates me. End of story.

Hope you guys had an awesome first day! O.o? Tell me about your interesting first day of school story too! :D

4T1 assistant monitor. Over and Out.

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